A Startling Realization

        Every time I enter the woods, I am reminded of what a wild and solemn place it is. The trees creak if any wind blows and all one hears is a raging silence. I have always found the immense solitude calming; a comforting peace pervades the places that no humans wander.
         Many times when I was younger and needed a friend to confide in, all I could find was the forest. As tears began to tumble in little ripples down my face, I would dash into the quiet expanse—knowing that there I could be alone; I knew that once I reached it, the woods would envelope me all around with its arms of safety. The adventuresome air would whisk me away from the dangers of everyday life and never once ask about my sorrow; it would not be anxious about me or wonder what gave me such despair. The woods merely sat, wrapping a shell of safety about me.
It was on such a day—I could not say now what had caused me such grief—that I hid myself amidst a colossal wall of rocks and sobbed. I do not know how long I sat, hidden in the countryside. (Time seems to slow when one is alone with God and His immense creation.) All I remember is the thoughts and observances that came upon me as I poured out my sadness to the welcoming woods.
After some time of feeling myself an exceptionally miserable being, I rose and cast my eyes to the world about me. I had been sitting on a flat slab of sandstone, which was surrounded by stones and boulders of various sizes; each rock was layered with moss and fallen leaves, and gave me the distinct feeling of its freedom from man. Throughout the field of rocks wound a pathway, which carved deeper into the woods. From the edge of my post, I could see the ground gradually falling away and becoming a small cliff. Looking down I noticed many trees and sharp descents before the wall leveled out and ran into a small, undulating creek. I stood and walked along the small pathway that wove along the side of the hill. Birds sang in the trees, the undergrowth and bushes rustled, and the autumn breeze tugged playfully at my hair. The air was filled with a tingling sensation, as if even the skies were thrilled with its own immensity.
As I watched nature’s habit taking place around me, I smiled, forgetting my sorrow. I found myself thinking that though I am just a small and insignificant human to the remote woodlands, the creator of the great solitude thought me useful and needed. The thought is both startling and comforting: I—in spite of my failures and ridiculousness—am important to the creator of all things; I am valuable to God.

More books!!!!

This first one I made for a friends birthday. I also added a little back pocket for a letter to her. A new thing that I tried was sewing the cover to the inner pages by machine. It didn't turn out all that well but I will keep working on it.

And then this one I used left over cards that I painted to send to friends for Christmas and I really liked how it turned out. On the inside the first few pages are used from an old copy of Narnia that fell apart and died a terrible cruel death. So I cut them up and use them as book pages :)

So many times.....


The Journey of My Lifetime.

So you know how people always say, "it will be the journey of a lifetime"? Well I just want to share with you several Journey's of MY lifetime. There are quite a few doors open to a female nowadays, but I really don't want to live my life working in a store or at an office, I also don't just want to go thru the motions as a human being, I want Life to matter, not just to me but to my future husband, my family, and anyone who will ever know me, I want a life on fire. I've come to realize that it's not just me who wants this but everyone. They might have different opinions of what life should be, but they all want it. And you know what? Everyone tries to find it wherever they think it should be, whether in friends, work, stuff, they all think they're on their way only to be disappointed yet again. Why? Why is it So hard to be satisfied with where we're at now? There's this little word that I really like it's named 'Contentment'. Ever heard of him? of course you haven't, he isn't very well known this century, or last, he's all but drowned out by all the voices out there screaming that your deprived, have no hope, and that you have controlling parents who've never learned how to parent. Lies all of them. Well actually yes you might be deprived (for your own good), there may not be hope of change, and your parents probably don't know all there is to know about kids, but listen that's the very nature of my friend Contentment. He's so awesome he teaches you how to be happy even in the most annoying situations imaginable. It makes me think of Paul, he was stuck in prison but guess what his close friend (contentment's Great-Grandfather) Contentment was informed by God that Paul would need him there, so contentment upped and went to visit Paul, and Paul was so happy to have him there he began to rejoice to God for sending him. So I've found out the only way to last in my Huge Journey, to live a life on Fire, is to trust God's judgment in sending contentment to be by my side, and to yes look forward, but most importantly figure out what I can do in the Now times of my life. What can you do in the everyday moments called Now? What difference can you make in the World?


First Ever Mini Books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 1/2 in Mini Book

Purple Accordion Fold Book

1 1/2in mini book Pendant
Hey People, So a friends Birthday is coming up and I've made these little book as a gift for her.
In all these took me around 3 hours because of glue drying and because (to be honest) these are my first ever mini-books, I think they turned out quite well, under those circumstances. So the lower center one is actually a Pendant (this picture doesn't show the jump-ring). Despite it's being very large for a pendant I still quite like it and am pleased with the end product.
The First picture is just a everyday notebooky book with closing ties on each side, and the Next is a Accordion style fold-up book that I wrote about my friend in (before construction) and I tie some hemp thread around in a bow for a closure. All around they make me happy and I can't wait to continue making more for myself and others. I also made a little cardboard covered book necklace for my baby brother and he wrote his name on the front (plus promptly drew a tree, so that's nice). so all in all I had a fun time with these and I will definitely make more (especially since my sis b-day is coming up next week).

Somewhere In Time Movie Review.

Has anyone seen the old-ish movie 'Somewhere in time'? I think it could have potential if they changed some of it. First of all it's kind of cheesy, him "willing himself back in time", But the upside of it is the Awesome soundtrack that came with it. It's beautiful, intriguing, and Piano Music!!! I've promised Myself I will get the sheet music and learn it but I have to find it first. If I do I may record it and update this with it, we shall see.Anyway I didn't really like the movie, in fact it was only recommended to me for the music, but even that was worth it.
                                                                                       -Sincerely E.J.E.

P.S. You could go here if you like and here some of it:

It's nice to meet you...

So I've just decided to begin blogging after my silence since I began one. This is only my introductory "Hello", and I hope you enjoy the childish things I love adding on here.
In the future I hope to write about things like Stuff I've made and tutorials I plan on making, and also reviews on movies and Songs from movies, and Things I've climbed and.....
....So on. So without further ado I introduce to you...
The Key of E! And I feel that I should give a little of background on the name. See my name starts with E, music is my world , and The key of E is my favorite Key (preferably E minor), so I decided Why not? I hope you enjoy the twist I put on the World and it's music.